Sources and References
personal and social competencies:
- A primer on Jungian Psychology by Vernon Nardby
- Choice Theory by William Glasser
- Managing Yourself: Coach Yourself to Optimum Emotional Intelligence by Morgan Paul
- NLP by Javid Samoudi
- Undiscovered Self by Carl Jung
- Understanding Motivation and Emotion by John Marshal Reeve
Linguistics and business competencies:
English course books
- Business Vocabulary in Use: advanced
- Grammar for Business
- Professional English in Use: Finance
- Professional English in Use: Law
- Market Leader: Accounting and Finance
- Market Leader: Human Resources
- Market Learner: Marketing
- Market Leader: working across cultures
- Model Business Letters, Emails, and Other Business Documents
- Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence
- Discourse Analysis by Brown and Yule
business competencies:
- 10-Day MBA by Steven Silbiger
- Working for Yourself by Johnathan Reuvid