They can be used to talk about everyday aspects of the business related to the management level. Expressing management intentions and activities informs others of the system’s goals and values.
Learn MorePast perfect is useful when you are sharing information regarding the completion of an activity in the past in relation to another one. Using words such as when, before, after, and yet can help provide more information regarding...
Learn MoreCertain phrases are frequently used when communicating market status, conditions and decisions. The jargon enables executives, marketing managers, and marketing staff to speak about this dimension of their business with ease.
Learn MoreGeneral business English vocabulary are common in all areas of business. They are frequently used in everyday communication, and therefore, they are useful and practical. The following set of verbs comprise the third list of general Business English...
Learn MoreSimple present form of the verb is used frequently in business settings. It is used to introduce a person or a company to others. It is also used regularly in reports to provide information about the status of...
Learn MoreIn business English, future simple enables businesspersons to express their intentions, decisions, and plans regarding the future of their businesses or business relationships. Decision making is the hardest part, simple future is not.
Learn MoreBusiness conditions are either defined by the environment in which they exist or by the businesses themselves. Regardless of the reasons, these conditions shape businesses and introduce a guideline for them. More general conditions are introduced by the...
Learn MoreIf conditionals begin with the condition (if) and end with the result or the consequences (then). There are several if conditionals that allow speakers to talk about situations in the past, present, and future. However, we will only...
Learn MoreWhen an event or an action takes time to complete, it needs to be reflected in the sentence using the verb. This continuity can be shown in the past, present, or future using the progressive indicator: -ing. Remember...
Learn MoreBusiness English has its own frequently used grammar and vocabulary. Being able to produce a variety of sentences allows business persons to express themselves more clearly. Needless to say, language is an important business tool and requires practice...
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