In a masculine society, power tends to be distributed unevenly. Therefore, it may be smart to spot the decision maker and address them. A presentation that disregards the person with more power or undermines their authority may lead...
Learn MoreBusiness performances are often presented in reports, and reports are usually filled with charts, graphs, figures, and tables. The concentrated information portrays a snapshot of the business condition throughout a period of time. However, the information has a...
Learn MoreThe preference of duty over freedom is a characteristic of societies which practice restraint. In such cultures life is considered to be hard and having fun or enjoying life is less encouraged. According to Hofstede’s research, most Asian...
Learn MoreFlexibility and adaptation is key to successfully managing relationships in an international environment. Although domestic cultures may dominate certain aspects of business communication, organizations also develop a collective culture – planned or otherwise.
Learn MoreAccounting and finance have their specific set of terminology. In this post, you will find ten verbs used to talk about accounting and finance in Business English. The verbs are used to talk about financial actions and processes.
Learn MoreFuture perfect tense makes it possible for speakers to make predictions, talk about future possibilities, and talk about two events occurring in the future. The indicator of future perfect is will + have + PP (past participle form...
Learn MoreSources and uses of funds refer to the process of providing and spending of funds. Businesses rely on different sources…
Learn MoreGeneral Business English words also allow people to speak about their business experiences and backgrounds in general. They come in handy when introducing yourself to others in business meetings, giving some information about your professional background, present activities,...
Learn MoreAddressing an audience large in number affects the type of the communication in terms of interactivity. As discussed in the previous post, a one-sided message better suits one-to-many communications. A one-sided message is one in which the sender...
Learn MoreOne method of evaluation and comparison of business performance is based on the amount of profit made in relation to the amount of sales. The gross profit – profit without administrative cost deduction – obtained through business activities...
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