While globalization has meant more profit thorough expansion into new markets for some, others have been dumbfounded and helpless. There are businesses that were never interested in the global market in the first place.
Learn MoreThe amount initially collected from the investors of the business is considered the capital or common stock. The amount of investments determines the amount of dividend every shareholder receives. It should be noted that not all net profit...
Learn MoreLiabilities are given priority to any other type of debt. Remember that the company has borrowed money from investors to run the business and has to repay them annually through the profit it makes. Investment is money lent...
Learn MoreBroadly speaking, the resources that a business owns for future benefit are known as assets. Here, we need to know a couple of terms frequently used with regards to assets. The first one is intrinsic value. There are...
Learn MoreFinance and accounting play a significant role in keeping businesses alive. A business needs to gather sums of money (not enough to be invested individually) large enough to run a business with the goal of gaining a profit....
Learn MoreMessage Components In communication, the message carries the components related to its sender via language. The message is created by…
Learn MoreHofstede identified six categories through which cultures can be more easily analyzed and understood. These categories are known as cultural dimensions. Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions are: power distance index, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance index, long term orientation, and...
Learn MoreIt is not uncommon to experience conflicts due to cultural differences. People of different nationalities tend to have their own business communication styles and habits. The best way to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding is to learn more about...
Learn MoreUN report states that FDI is likely to recover from the decline it experiences in the deepened regions in 2019. Greenfield projects increased by %29 in 2018, providing opportunities for investment in the following year. Certain forecasts macroeconomic...
Learn MoreService Trade The four main economic indicators show that service trade accounts for 70% of GDP, 64% of FDI, 49%…
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