As the initiator of communication, the sender is the creator of the message and one who validat…
Telephone calls act as catalysts in business processes. Sometimes they are convenient for short…
Flexibility and adaptation is key to successfully managing relationships in an international en…
When a business only accepts financial transactions to be made at the time of purchase, the acc…
Debt may be secured or offered based on goodwill. But there is a limit to how far a company can…
Profit and loss statement shows business gains or losses at the end of the fiscal year. It show…
As an individual, every person carries beliefs and experiences from their unique point of view.…
Glasser maintains that people have four basic psychological needs apart from survival. These ar…
Emotions are inseparable elements of our lives. They help us survive and thrive, but they can a…
In the best case scenario -if the scenario is in fact a fairytale-, everyone gets along all the…
The Johari window is introduced as a complementary tool to communication components. This windo…
What is the depth of your knowledge in terms of your needs and those around you? Perhaps this i…
Hofstede identified six categories through which cultures can be more easily analyzed and under…
What is the depth of your knowledge in terms of your needs and those around you? Perhaps this i…
It is not uncommon to experience conflicts due to cultural differences. People of different nat…
The Johari window is introduced as a complementary tool to communication components. This windo…
Glasser maintains that people have four basic psychological needs apart from survival. These ar…
Uncertainty avoiding cultures are unwilling to let go of their adherence to their codes and hap…
General business English vocabulary are common in all areas of business. They are frequently us…
To make vocabulary learning easier, I divide them based on business areas and activities. Since…
In business English, future simple enables businesspersons to express their intentions, decisio…
Business performances are often presented in reports, and reports are usually filled with chart…
Business conditions are either defined by the environment in which they exist or by the busines…
General Business English words also allow people to speak about their business experiences and …